Beware the one that calls itself Harman - it is not a Labour Party loyalist at all but a Krinod from the Planet Fuck!
As a Fuckoid, the beast Harman is intent on "Fucking Up" everything on Planet Earth and particularly in that already crumbling outpost known as the UK.
Remember when her fellow Fuckoid Blair first materialised? Obviously, prior to his
teleportation across the universe, no-one had ever heard of him here on Earth. Moments after his particulate reassembly, however, he was leader of the Labour Party - or the New Fucking Labour Party, as he restyled it.
The warning signs were there for all to see. When the former Labour Leader John Smith went and rolled a seven - something this nation has lived to regret ever since - his fellow party members went into mourning, but not Fuckoid Blair. No, he started secretly manoeuvring and doing deals behind the scenes while everyone else was attending memorial services and giving heartfelt tributes to Smith to the media. Hey presto! When the black veils were lifted, there he was, a virtual shoe-in for the leadership.
Beware those warning signs again, I say! Blair's half-wit, half-brother Brown - he who struck a deal with the alien Devil and enabled the complete Fucking Up of the country - is now in his death throws. More than that, he is a dead man walking. While fellow Labourites rally round to keep him on life support, the Fuckoid Harman has begun a pathetically ill-disguised campaign behind the scenes to take over.
She has already arranged a Fucking Women's Conference to coincide with the next G20 economic summit so as to grab headlines. She has also been speaking out against bonuses paid out to the Krinadian Fuckoid hardcore who run our banking system. Laughably, the media brand her a Left-winger for this. Ha! Left-winger? She's so Fucking Left-wing she's gone round the bend and met herself coming back!
This creature has only one thing on her agenda - herself! Her shady husband found that out to his cost. The moment her career was threatened with a dent, out the window he had to go!
I'm sure her policies of putting a tax on penises, outlawing the Y chromosome in built up areas and instigating compulsory sperm bank donations with a view to phasing out men by 2015 will prove popular among some comfortably-shoed members of society but beware!! Harman will Fuck Up this country more than Blair and Brown ever managed. She is the Queen of Fuck Up!!
She has already been sent to Grantham. I now propose building a 30ft-high wall around Grantham specifically to ensure she does not get out.
She looks like she's wearing dentures. Perhaps we should tie her together with Tessa Jowell and chuck them in the Thames like we used to do with witches in the olden dayes.
If this mad bitch ever gets in as PM (Premenstrual Moron), I'm going to become muslim, instigate Sharia law and declare a fatwa on any female who has alliterative initials and looks like she munches on fanny like slugs munch on geraniums.
Praise be to Allah.
Now now, tell us what you really thing, lol. Great commentary. I hope that comment from garfer isnt gummist!!
Effin Granny
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