I look forward to Sundays and the chance of a long, luxurious lie-in.
Some of us like to lie in longer than others, however.
The chance of a bracing walk to work off breakfast is always welcomed enthusiastically.
..for a short while.
Grantham shall not have them.
Badap-bap-bwaw muthafuckas…
6 days ago
Ha-ha... I didn't even catch that there was something under the sheet in the first picture. Mornings are hard on pups - they've just spent the night on guard over you... at least that is what Bitsy tells me.
Wonderful post! I loved the photos!!
Rosie sends her love to your crew.
Pither those sheets need ironing! At least the dogs look very contented and happy. A credit to you.
Nice pack you have there.
So which one is the alpha ?
Thanks for the nice comments.
Brad, the leader of the pack is Henry.Predictably enough, he is the brindle one (with three legs!) at the top of the bed, on his dad’s pillow, being guarded by Tilly as he relaxes and hogging the special bed in front of the fire.
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