At the risk of sounding like Cyril Fletcher, I am indebted to a Mr Farmer of Much Drinking in the Marsh for this little item.
The leader of the Moslem Council of Britain, Muhammad Abdul Bari, is in the news today for claiming that the country is in danger of becoming like Nazi Germany in the '30s. Yeah, yeah, yeah, boring, boring, boring!
What is shocking and newsworthy, however, is the following:

Mr M A Bari.

Mr B Gibb (Reports of his death seemingly greatly exaggerated).
Admit it, you never see them together in the same room?
Mr Bari looks like The Cat in Red Dwarf after he's been de-"cool"ed by some alien creature. . .
(you have to have seen the episode for that to make sense)
. . .on the other hand, Barry Gibb looks like, and possibly is, an alien creature
and in the image you have chosen he also bears a somewhat scary resemblance to David Hasselhoff
Good grief! I smell a conspiracy.
I wonder if Mr Bari sounds like his balls are being squeezed in a vice when he sings.
That's definitely a wig, and he looks like he's sucking on a sherbet lemon.
Don't wory Reg. The only 'Christians' who'd be after you are the ones too busy chasing homosexual people out of church and poking their noses into women's reproductive habits to read a blog anyroad.
It's the Bee Gee Preservation and Appreciation Society I'd be afeared of.
Dear ILTV, Dyna Girl and Garfer,
Your points are all very valid, obviously, but don't you find both photos very revealing? For instance, we now know why Mr Bari has that "Durrr gee George" expression on his face - it's because he appears to have a scimitar stuck in his head.
As for Mr Gibb, no wonder he sang the way he did. You would if you were being attacked by a lesser-striped blue anaconda!
Good point, Arabella. All you have to do is shout "Lion!!" and they're off like a rat up a drainpipe.
As for the BGPAS, I thought he was in prison?
sherbert lemons are possibly my favourite sweet
after strawberry bon-bons and liquorice pipes and space dust and spangles
I know it's not relevant. . .
. . .but then I do like Tunnocks Caramel Wafers too and those things made out of marshmallows covered in chocolate and rolled in shredded coconut (not a Tea Cake, but something similar without the biscuit base)
Have you been on the sauce again? I have a feeling your comment was meant for Tunnock's Blog, not mine?
it's the teeth that give him away
Cadbury's fruit and nut is my favourite, sherbert lemons make the roof of my mouth sore. I like a lemon in my G&T though.
You won't be laughing when I'm in a home, belted into my jacket in that padded room muttering "They just kept going on about fucking sweets, nurse! I didn't understand!"
I used to like Aztecs. Of course they don't make them anymore. And what was wrong with the name Marathon? Why change it to Snicker?
This is the guy who did the Islamic fundamentalist version of the BeeGees’ Greatest Hits, wasn’t it? There were some real classics on there…
Shi’ite Fever
I Gotta Get a Message to Jews
Tragedy (9/11 remix)
Jihad Talkin’
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