Further to the last post about Britain's fat, fickle and fornicating former Deputy Prime Minister and his claims that he suffered/still suffers? from bulimia, I am forced to put digits to keyboard again on the subject after Prescott did that at which he is best - he put some flesh on the bones.
We now hear that the lardarse lapsed Labourite was bulimic because he ate so much at a sitting that even his voluminous gut couldn't take it so he was sick shortly afterwards. THAT'S NOT FUCKING BULIMIA! THAT IS BEING A REVOLTING, GREEDY BASTARD!!
Bulimia is a mental disorder. It is a "fingers-down-the-throat-to-make-one-vomit" condition. The sufferer takes a conscious decision to evacuate the contents of his or her stomach so that none of it will end up being laid down as fat. Stuffing yourself so much that your system is unable to cope with the vast amount ingested so that it chucks it back up is not a mental disorder - it is a sociological one.
This bullshit from Prescott illustrates vividly two recurrent themes on this Blog:
1. The New Labour cuckoos are INCAPABLE of telling the truth and even come to believe their own lies so assume the public will do likewise.
2. No-one is responsible for their actions. Everything anti-social or objectionable is down to some spurious medical condition which absolves the perpetrator from all blame.
It's little-boy-and-emperor's-new-clothes time again. Sadly, while this little boy continues to shout from the sidelines, our mindless, touchy-feely, women's magazine-obsessed broadcasters actually PRAISE Prescott for what they see as a "brave admission". Result? The fat, lumbering, turncoat, greedy oaf who is Prescott is suddenly held up as some paragon of virtue.
Greed is good? Thatcher implied it, Gordon Gekko said it, now it is a reality in this upside down country.
Greed can go to Grantham.
Hello Reg - Would you have any recommeded news sources for british politics ? We get nothing in our MSM. I tried the Times and Independent online, looking for more.
Hi Brad,
The Beeb's website is still one of the best in the world and is occasionally believable (www.news.bbc.co.uk).
Facts and figures are best from the flea-bitten horse's mouth itself -www.publications.parliament.uk
To realise how much all of the crap is hushed up and how much is spun then you can't beat The Eye -
Failing all of the above, just make it all up - they do!!
DOCTORS last night attempted to end of confusion over the symptoms of bulimia, stressing it was not the same as being a big, greedy bastard.
there are fears that GP surgeries could be overwhelmed after reports the disorder may now be affecting fat people who like to stuff their face.
Dr Wayne Hayes, of the Institute for Second Helpings, said: "In our studies we always separate the subjects into two groups.
"In group 'A' are the people who engage in binge eating followed by purging, and in group 'B' are the people eat a whole tin of biscuits because it's 11 o'clock.
"Although some of the people in group 'B' eat so many biscuits they end up making themselves sick, it's not the same thing."
Dr Hayes said bulimia was more likely to affect young women with self-image problems, while being a fat bastard tends to affect MPs with access to large amounts of free food.
"Of course being an MP can be stressful, especially if you keep making an arse of yourself on Newsnight.
"But instead of being a big, greedy bastard, why not go for a long walk or perhaps enjoy a luxury scuba diving holiday at the taxpayers' expense and then claim it was a 'trade mission'?"
Thanks for the links. Maybe I'll get Brit smart.
Maybe a good healthy suicide-inducing 1929-style stock-market crash would make these types reassess their role in humanity's evolution.
"anonymous" seems to know where it's at - declare yourself, comrade!
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