Fusion - the basics.
More from the whacko world of advertising, I'm afraid.
"Revolutionary new technology!" the telly seller screamed. "FUSION!" There followed images of two blokes inserting, what we were supposed to think were, control rods into a stylised nuclear reactor. There was then a graphic of some sort of power surge rushing round what, I remember from my college days, was some sort of particle accelerator. "The power of fusion!" the ad screamed again.
Bloody Hell, I thought. What's this? They haven't finally gone and done it, have they? Well, that's what they appear to be saying. They have, they've actually gone and done it. They've perfected laboratory fusion. The energy crisis is over, once and for all. Limitless energy and the salvation of the human race. At last, the stranglehold of the oil exporting nations on the rest of the world is broken. We can stroll, carefree, into the sunny uplands of energy for all, for ever.
Uurrmmm..............no. No, no, no, no. No, they haven't. Not a bit of it. What they have done, in fact, is produced............a new razor!
"The new Gillette Fusion!" "Scrape that daily follicular shit off your face with the power of fusion."
Bit of a let down, really. Not quite what I thought they were saying. Not, indeed, the use I thought this miracle technology would be put to, should it ever be mastered. Still, David Beckham advertises for Gillette. If anyone can crack the complexities of generating limitless energy by fusing particles together instead of splitting them, of producing our own mini-suns, it is him. There may still be hope.
Sorry, I may have sent advertising to Grantham already but it is such a deserving candidate I shall grant it a fleeting parole and then send it right back there again. The people of Grantham shall henceforth live in the lying, misleading, morality free, thick, ephemeral, unimportant, shallow, stupid world of advertising. Let the rest of us have a break.
Badap-bap-bwaw muthafuckas…
5 days ago
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