To be serious for a moment, I have watched and listened to Gordon Brown over the last couple of weeks and been reminded of a classic line from the film The Boston Strangler.
When a number of clues come together out of the blue to point the finger of suspicion firmly at Albert De Salvo and it is possible the hunt for the serial killer who has brought panic to the steets of Boston is at an end, the detective played by George Kennedy turns to his boss, played by Henry Fonda, and says something to the effect of: "I'm almost frightened to breathe."
Well, that is just how I feel at the moment. I have previously ranted that I fear Brown is just a Blair clone and we are destined to travel even further down the sewer pipe of right-wing politics until we eventually reach the septic tank which is American-style life. Well, there is a chance, just a slim chance, that I might be wrong.
In just two weeks it has emerged that:
1. Plans for mafia-backed, super-casinos - which Blair insisted we needed because they would make his corrupt pals very rich and yet no-one else wanted - are dead in the water.
2. There have been mutterings by the new regime that we should pull out of Blair's war in Iraq.
3. Some have even suggested there should be an inquiry into whether or not Blair was guilty of war crimes by jointly prosecting the invasion.
4. Brown's defence chief no longer wants us to militarily follow the USA and the mad ravings of that twat Bush but instead wants Britain to think and act as an independent nation.
5. Brown wants time for sport at schools to be increased - as opposed to time for learning how to get in debt with banks and play the Stock Market.
6. Brown wants to build more houses and wants to see a return to and expansion of social housing provided by local authorities. Yes, council houses!
Jesus H Christ! If you close your eyes and dream for a while you might be forgiven for imagining that socialism is on the way back.
I'm almost frightened to breathe.
Oh lordy, lord! Pass the needle and cotton - I think my sides have just split.
Malaka, Malaka, Malaka !!!
This is the home of democracy here and we want that fat Bas***d Rispin hung!!!
The beautiful woman who is looking after us says that you are a Malaka and a Bas***d.
On the other hand, a virile 14 yr old, called Antonis, say he love his uncle Reg, but does not want to grow up with a square head and no hair !!!
Said, Antonis is now walking around singing RED ARMY to all of the flowers and fauna.
Yours - Anon (MALAKA)
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