I'm on a bit of a downer today, it has to be said. Life can be shit and it's at its shittiest when it's being shitty to one of the five creatures I care about most.
Four of those objects of my devotion, each of which I am prepared to die for should the situation arise, are, as all my pals know, my dogs and my biggest boy, Padfoot, is in a sorry state.
He has a congenital condition common to his breed and it is progressive.
When it was first diagnosed I just shrugged my shoulders, told the lad himself he'd be all right and put it to the back of my mind. Well, his condition has deteriorated dramatically in the last fortnight and Pad is getting close to being unable to walk unaided.
This bastard condition causes him to clench his back paws like fists and attempt to hobble on them. His haunches have sunk as well and he has taken to frequently dragging his back legs because the nerves are dying to such an extent that he no longer has much, if any, control over them. It is heartbreaking to watch. Worse than all of that is........you can see it in his face. He knows something is wrong and he looks mournfully at you.
He still, hopefully, has many years of fun with Pither ahead of him (NO!! We don't do lethal injections to combat inconvenience round here at The Towers) but it looks as though I am finally going to have to invest in one of those God-awful dog-trolleys so that he can get out for walkies.
I suppose indignity is not as bad as immobility. There is also the small matter of the cost - several thousand pounds, I'm led to believe - but I suppose if I'm willing to die for Pad I'm willing to risk jail and defraud Lloyds Bank a little more.
Life IS shit but it goes on, and on - a bit like Big Brother.
is your dog in pain? hope not
I don't really do pets or dogs (fish and cats are about my limit)(and I would do the whole injection thing with a cat) but I can see that this must be awful for you
hope it's not too awful for your dog
No, he's not in any pain -the vet assured me of that and you can tell anyway. It's just debilitating and depressing for the lad. Still, we'll get by.
All the best pats to Padfoot.
Have you got a shed or a garage? If you have a shed or a garage now's the time to get a workbench and make a dog-trolley! Do you remember the days when wheels from doll prams could be had for the picking in any residential street in England? Two of those, a bit of wood and you're away!
Wanted to say 'get well soon', but that seems ridiculous. Best wishes to Pad from all of us here on Westray. Uncle Malc will be round for fun and games in December.
Hi Arabella,
Pats passed on to Pad. Thank you.
Sadly, as I've blogged before, me and "making things/man's work" just don't mix.
Bearing in mind your instructions, I remember fashioning a soapbox cart in 1966 (aged 6) for me and James Bradwell who lived next door. We took off down the hill near where we lived and.....well, we almost died. Sadly, it's the DogomaticTrolleyboy 8750 for Pad!
Thanks for that.You were always one of his favourite things to drag outside and bury! Love to the Westray bunch.
Go on Defraud Lloyds Bank and get him the luxury version. If it ever came to court no English jury would convict you, not where an animals welfare was concerned.
I don't make things either. Its a bit of a stigma around here. If you're not bashing things with a hammer and can't talk knowledgeably about angle grinders and 3 by 2 plywood then you are obviously a homosexual, and the wife and kids are just a cover story. I made a bird table once but it collapsed. Unfortunately there were birds on it.
Hope it works out for Pads.
On the subject of the title of your post. . . you've been hanging around with the style god/Ed Straker too much.
Excellent stuff!! Not many people make me laugh but......
You're so right about lack of knowledge of 4 by 7 by 8 by 9 by cross-flange brances being equated to homosexuality. You're lucky, you have a fucking cover story! I have no kids and my marriage has gone tits up. That means I've either got to learn DIY or shack up with Elton.
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