Badap-bap-bwaw muthafuckas…
5 days ago
It Gets My Goat - So It's Going To Grantham.
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Life: | 4.2 |
Mind: | 4.1 |
Body: | 2.7 |
Spirit: | 8 |
Friends/Family: | 1.6 |
Love: | 0 |
Finance: | 5.9 |
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I'm surprised you don't know this. It means you are a cuddly bunny.
Just tell that you have my full backing.
But surely that would make me a CB? There again, it fits - 46 (NB. 47 in four days time!!) years on this planet and all I have amounted to is a fat rodent!
I was waiting for you. Those initials were, I thought at the time, a God-send for your with. I'll lob 'em up, you bat 'em back.
...."your with"????? Make that "your wit".
Keep your head down mate it sounds unhealthy to me.
I thought a shining example of mans evolution and git amounted to the same thing.
I think you're right - it sounds like the result of a blood test.
A little rant from the feminist end of the ground?
Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
Thanks Anon,
As I've already said, however, that don't explain much. Does it mean I am an educated member of the a crown court circuit who acts on his hunches but doesn't get out much or talk to anyone......or does it just mean I'm a git?
well, it wasn't me, I never said nothing about you being anything
I know what I said I was, but I certainly didn't say what you were, and anyhow it's all bollocks isn't it (or was that what murph said?)
and what does "git" stand for anyhow?
gorgeous intelligent type?
generous inquisitive totty?
grumpy informative tit?
(no, none of those are quite right are they. . .)
anyhow, when I was young my brother used to say that "git" meant "pregnant camel" (and I've just googled it, and it seems lots of other people think that that is the case too) so if you're a git that means you're a big girl who's got the hump
so there
never said nothing me, you must have read it wrong. . .
*strops off*
I must have phrased it poorly. By "on someone else's blog" I meant "on the comments on someone else's blog". I know it wasn't you - but just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!
I like the pregnant camel analogy. That kinda fits. My looks have been likened to those of a camel and I'm not as slim as I once way.
thought you were paid to write! isn't that what a professional journalist does? get paid to write. . .
. . .how could you have phrased it poorly!?
sorry, this is only a blog - I was paid to write once, but you'd never guess if from my spelling, grammar, punctuation (over and under use of) and editing skills (or lack thereof) chez moi
you're right, I'm paranoid - does that mean they are out to get me
I'm sure you look nothing like a camel ;-) but - far more importantly - can you spit like one! (or is that llamas?)
humps, lumps, bumps: it's all the same once you've hit middle age. . .
. . .well, it was for me anyhow
You AREN'T paranoid! I can tell you write for a living/used to write, however.You're big into streams of consciousness, aren't you. I'm into streams of bats pee (a prize for the first person to complete that Python line).
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