If, like me, you are not averse to using the odd piece of Anglo Saxon in your dialogue (especially when dealing with Lloyds Fucking Bank - oops, there I go again), you will know that sometimes you just run out of suitable expletives.
Well, never fear. With my heartfelt thanks to The Farmer for this, simply click in the magic box above and, hey presto!! Inspiration when words fail you. If you don't think the suggested naughty noun or explicit instruction accurately enough suits the target of your venom then simply click again...and again...and again. You're bound to find one to suit.
Alternatively, if you are just plain bored, why not click on it repeatedly and spend the day insulting yourself. Hours of fun for all the family!
oooh!! that was fun!!
I got "random pants" amongst other delights. . .
thank you
(erm, what's a cunting whoremonger? I think I might be too sweet and innocent for this after all)
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