No sooner had the postman started pushing it through the letter box than Padfoot, my alsatian, leapt up to grab hold of the said form and then "process" it in his unique way. He's not quite as thick as I thought, after all.
The upshot is that I am really looking forward to walking into my local tax office with the remnants of the form I will have been able to complete and then watching the staff scatter when I tell them that, for the remaining pieces of information requested, they will have to consult my advisor.....................
Please award Padfoot an ipod. Thank you.
That is a good dog.
Hello Arabella,
That is a quite brilliant link _ I wish I'd thought of it. Trouble is, if I gave Pad an iPod he'd probably just eat it or wipe his bottom on it - unlike the educational creme de la creme of our secondary school education system.
Foilwoman! Where've you been?
Yes, he is a good dog. It's not often people can say they have a German shepherd with a comprehensive understanding of the fairness of British taxation.
Reg, my love, my poodle, my pumpkin: I've been working (still am; I'm taking a brief commenting break). Not to mention getting my taxes to my accountant (due Apr. 15, I'm just a smidge late).
Posting and emailing this evening, I assure you. With you foremost in my thoughts, of course. I have oodles of bushels of unsolicited advice to share. You might want to hide.
Ok, Foily,
Hit me with it!
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