I am gearing up to pack in smoking (again!) in the coming weeks! To prepare myself for the pains of deprivation which I will suffer I am, beforehand, going to give up two things slightly less addictive - anger and swearing.
It has been pointed out on more than one occasion that I swear too much for one lucky enough to have a decent grasp of English and I spend too much of my life getting angry about things.
I am not, by nature, a swearer in company. I seem to save foul language for this blog and this blog only. Likewise, I do not stalk the streets with a loaded rifle, cussing and screaming at people like "
the woman at the post office" or institutions like "
Lloyds Bank". No, I think the Army should be doing that.
So, it's new leaf time. Henceforth I shall not use anything stronger than "bloody" (it's Biblical, after all) and I shall, as they say, always look on the bright side of life.
Grantham will still be populated - it has to be - but I shall send immigrants off with a cheery wave, and even drive them to the bus station.
..................It's been one minute since I wrote that and I'm still holding out!!
I do hope you haven't been to a cognitive therapist. They're full of that bright side nonsense.
Prefer the Freudians myself - oral fixations with a bit of attachment theory thrown in and there's yer smoking habit - gone.
Seriously though, good luck with giving up the cheroots.
I thank you kindly, from the bottom of my newly-cleansed and happy heart (this'll never last).
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