I find myself in the same boat as my chums Betty and Arabella and am having serious problems with the new, improved Blogger - you could say we are so in tune we are coremonstrating.
Anyway, it has taken me an hour to get these two paragraphs posted. Normal Pither service will be resumed as soon as normal Blogger service is resumed - dammit, dammit, dammit!
14 hours ago
never one to be put off by blasted blogger playing silly bugger, I got thru anyhow - I wish you god's speed in resuming your normal service
was trying to entertain you, as instructed, chez moi, in the meantime. . .
. . .but you must have fallen asleep (sweet dreams)
good morning!
don't you like your song (and wonderful image) then? I don't blame you, can't imagine Robbie's your cup of tea - or coffee - really* (but I thought you'd like the books. . .)
(*not that you've shared your taste in music with me anyhow)
(not that you have to)
Not for the first time, ILTV, you have the better of me. Which song and image would you be referring to?
see - that's what I want to know how to do (imagine up arrow)
how do you do that "Go on then, let's hear it!" thing in your comment box?
you have the better of me sir. . .
but, on the topic in hand, the song and the image to which I refer are my posting of the lyrics of one of Robbie's songs (in response to your "entertain me Big Girl" comment) and an image of some lovely books with green covers (you, apparently, like books with green colours)(not that one should believe everything one reads in blog profiles)
(if you haven't noticed it already, it can be found here:
or a few posts down on today's witterings)
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